About Us

Eczema affects around 6 million children and 2.5 million adults in Australia and can be well managed with a comprehensive treatment plan of home care, prescriptions and phototherapy from an eczema dermatologist.

About Us

Eczema affects around 6 million children and 2.5 million adults in Australia and can be well managed with a comprehensive treatment plan of home care, prescriptions and phototherapy in most cases.

About Eczema Clinics Australia

With more than a decade of experience helping eczema patients, Dr Shobhan Manoharan’s passion lies in providing access to dermatologist treatment programs and teams in locations that are convenient to patients.

This was begun in Queensland, where Dr Manoharan services patients in multiple locations across the greater Brisbane region, where they had found that a patient’s ability to attend and commit to medical treatment plans was hindered by the large distances that needed to be regularly travelled to access healthcare. 

With a strong conviction that medical treatments should be accessible to all, not just those in the heart of the city, the Manoharans have paved the way in developing a network of clinics to provide local access to treatments for their patients using a hybrid model of on-site local support teams and treatments, connecting patients to dermatologists via telehealth.

You can hear our director, Dr Patricia Manoharan, talking more about how our clinic works here:



Eczema Dermatologist Clinics

See our dermatology assistant today (and any day) at no charge to see how we can help!

You can then request a dermatologist review via Telehealth (which will incur a charge) and receive your personalised plan with prescription medication and on-site treatments within weeks.

No waiting time for starting your skin health journey!

We currently have clinics in:

Book Your Initial Review

Find out which treatment plan will work for you.  Get in touchÂ