Eczema Home Care Programme

Our Eczema home care programmes are designed to provide you with comprehensive support information to assist your eczema treatments every day from home.

Eczema Home Care Programme

Our Eczema home care programmes are designed to provide you with comprehensive support information to assist your eczema treatments every day from home.

Eczema Home Care Programme

Our home care program is  specifically formulated by our Specialist Dermatologists, to help you through the different seasons, guiding you to manage your skin through cold dry winters, long hot summers, and through flares when needed.  Each of our packs are designed to travel with you through the seasons and help you manage your eczema long term and at different ages and  stages of your life. 

Look out for our Eczema home care products coming soon. 


Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise! Moisturiser is your friend!

Your skin can’t keep the moisture in by itself, so please help it out with at least twice daily moisturising (you may need more when you are flaring).

Moisturise with massage, moisturise in the bathroom, moisturise in the kitchen, moisturise in the car….whenever and wherever suits you – PUT. IT. ON.

Bathroom Basics!

1. In the shower, try to have cool, short showers, that are less likely to strip the oils from your skin and cause more inflammation.

2. Don’t use soap. It will irritate your skin.

3. Use a soap free wash. Pat your skin dry, don’t scrub at it…it’s sensitive like that.

Prescription Corticosteroids

Use your steroids. Don’t be concerned.

If your GP or dermatologist has prescribed a steroid, please follow their instructions, with the correct dosage.  They have prescribed the right strength of the right steroid for you, based on the severity of your condition and your skin type.  You will be followed up at an appropriate period of time to ensure you are continuing to improve and are not exeperiencing any side effects.

Don’t wait until it gets really bad, and don’t skimp and use less than prescribed!

Using your corticosteroid AND moisturising a lot, has been shown to reduce the flares faster than if you just use your corticosteroid, so don’t forget to moisturise too.

Use it correctly as prescribed to help reduce your flares properly. If you use less than prescribed, your skin may not be able to repair itself properly and you will have plaques for longer, or they may even progress and get worse. Using steroids as prescribed by your doctor, is safe.

It’s important not make up your own ‘how to’ guide, or use them every day long term.


Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Sleep is the number one pillar of health. Your body needs good sleep or it will start to break down, plain and simple.

If you are itchy and it is keeping you up at night, antihistamines will help to settle the itch so that you can get a good night’s sleep.  

Turning off the TV and putting away your mobile phone an hour before bedtime also helps your body clock get ready for bed.

For children, developing a good night time routine will be so good for their development and for their skin. 

Wet Wraps

If you have a strong flare, use wet wraps after you put your moisturiser on. This will help to keep the moisture in for longer and significantly increase the efficacy of the moisturiser. Wet wraps involve two layers of bandage. The first layer is wet with warm water, and the second layer is dry. We recommend leaving these on overnight; however if you are only able to tolerate a few hours, it is still worth the effort.  Our team can take you through wet wrap application, and there is a guide and all of the ingredients you will need for a good wet wrap in our home care programmes.

Note, this is with moisturiser only. On occasion, your doctor might advise you to do this with steroid also, but this needs to be under their specific instruction on strength, frequency and duration.

Book Your Initial Review

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